
What can we learn from Generation Zoom? 

If you are not watching closely at Gen Z you are losing on major capital.

As everyone sat around trying to forecast what was going to happen early-on during COVID, economists totally overlooked one entire large demographic: anyone born after 1996 (Gen Z). 

Well everyone is in for a big surprise. Gen Z was a force to be reckoned with during the Spring protests and recent presidential election. They literally helped shape history through 15-second videos on TikTok. Gen Z, is filled with actionable change. They will be relentless in assuring that their voice is heard in their fight for a better future. These recent protests are not going away anytime soon. To try and ignore them is to ignore the unfolding of the future they want to build. Those who want to remain status quo will be their own demise.

2020 has given significant focus and importance on how the Zoomers spend their parents’ cold hard cash. But wait! Before you rush in to take their money, you’ve got to understand that this bunch will ask much more of you than any other demo before. 

Which brings me to CEOs of major corporations. If Gen Z is still a mystery to you, it’s time your business took a stand for something. I’m not saying you need to go and solve the world’s problems. But, in order to keep ensuring the growth of your bottom line, you need to start bringing ethics to work. It’s no longer business as usual. We are playing a global game here. Your competitors come from every angle. The key to the future of Gen Z’s spending power is to be transparent and real. 

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP SPENDING MONEY ON DIGITAL ADs NO ONE CARES ABOUT. Guess what? Advertising is no longer influential on this next gen. It’s a reminder, but not as influential as building real relationships. Your ads need to remain continuously culturally relevant. This takes a lot of work and honestly it would be faster just to post a meme. Your marketing dollars should be spent on keeping your brand and social media fresh through engaging content. Then taking that content and PR-ing it into the world in front of eyeballs.

Remember, that this demo identifies the most with minorities. They are looking for businesses with ethics they can support. If you’ve already got a cause -- great! Then it’s important you are not silent about it. Get busy in your community. Become known for it. PR is about taking ACTION. Otherwise, you will just be another faceless business for people to consume. Being faceless makes you a throwaway. Being a throwaway doesn’t build a legacy. Gen Z, while too young to vote for candidates, are putting their social and economic capital into brands that resonate with their better future.

Never forget that.


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