Embracing Practical Strategies for the Year Ahead: 2024

Practical Moves Forward, Friends

If 2023 was any indicator, we can expect that 2024 will bring big worldwide events. It will be fun, chaotic, and absurd, and not practical at all. Which is why, we at COMMS/NATION must embrace the virtues of our new mantra:


Focus on the practical in order to help move your game forward. Sounds easy enough, right? But, it can actually be very difficult to operate today without the right (for you) tools and coping mechanisms. Communications (news/marketing/videos/media) are at an all time high of negativity. We are forced to do more with less. Everything is an attention game. And, everyone wants something from you, time or money.

Keeping your customer and audience’s well-being in mind and helping them actually accomplish goals will help you in the long-term to build healthy long-lasting relationships.

With the world moving at an accelerated pace both literally and digitally, it’s important to stay grounded and neutral in a world that wants audiences to be in a constant state of highs. Marketers and business owners don’t pretend that you aren’t also at risk of being captured in this algorithm loop of the constantly moving goal post.

Running at a constant high, increases levels of burnout and detachment. But, also increases your chances of impacting the quality of your decision making.

Being too-goal focused can actually deter your audience from taking further action because you are blind to the state of your audience’s current realities. Driving growth at the expense of your customer base means you are pushing them into a state of reactivity. Remember, you are not the only brand. Imagine every marketing plan is pushing for a reaction. Causing or encouraging your audience to be in a constant state of reaction can bring major brand risk potentials that leads to over exposure and trust issues.

So, what could win in 2024? Since the world and people are pushing for bigger, more drastic trending events (both good and bad), sometimes it pays to be practical. Understand your product and service limits, not being everything to every customer, building discipline, enacting accountability measures to ensure excellent service. I know these items don’t have a lot of pizzazz. But, in a world that is throwing a lot at you and all at once, sometimes the best strategy in a time of mayhem and chaos is to remain calm and be practical.

Being a practical brand that practices mindful marketing towards your audience could actually prove to be a good thing in a world that is growing increasingly complicated. Have a productive and awesome year!


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